Carol Pierce-Davis, Ph.D., Psychologist

National Register Health Service Provider
Texas Health Service Provider
Board Certified Diplomate Fellow in Psychopharmacology
Board Certified Diplomate Fellow in Serious Mental Illness
International College of Prescribing Psychologists
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The doctor will personally arrange an appointment.
She has developed over the years an expertise in infertility issues and counsels women in all phases of diagnosis and treatment.
Additionally, she conducts screenings for couples and individuals needing third party reproductive technologies to have the child they desire.
These technologies include gestational carriers, donor egg, donor sperm, or donor embryo. She works with reproductive endocrinologists and their patients, and donor/ surrogate agencies across Texas.
Dr. Pierce-Davis completed a post doctorate studies in Psychopharmacology to recognize the medications her clients are taking, and the pharmaco-dynamics and side effects of those medications. With that knowledge, she counsels her clients in ways that will increase the positive effects their medications can provide them.
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